Advanced Individual Bankruptcy Chapters 7 & 13
6 CLE / 1 E - This program has concluded. Please join us next year.
The faculty is planning a great program and looks forward to an enjoyable session discussing hot topics in Chapters 7 & 13 Consumer Bankruptcy. This year's seminar will be held at the beautiful and historic French Lick Springs Resort & Casino. A hosted reception follows day-1 and a continental breakfast precedes day-2.
ICLEF has reserved a group block rate at the brand new French Lick Valley Tower, French Lick Springs Resort and a handful of rooms at the West Baden Resort. Please make reservations by May 15, 2024. After this date, reservations will still be accepted on a rate and space availability basis.
Mark S. Zuckerberg, Co-Chair
Bankruptcy Law Office of Mark S. Zuckerberg, P.C., Indianapolis
John M. Hauber, Co-Chair
Chapter 13 Standing Trustee, Southern District of Indiana, Indianapolis
Hon. Robert E. Grant
United States Bankruptcy Court, Northern District of Indiana, Fort Wayne
John J. Allman
Hester Baker Krebs LLC, Indianapolis
Robert B. Lynch
Lynch & Belch, Indianapolis
Harley K. Means
Kroger, Gardis & Regas, LLP, Indianapolis
Ronald J. Moore
Assistant United States Trustee, Office of the United States Trustee, Indianapolis
Christopher L. Muniz
Chief Deputy Clerk, United States Bankruptcy Court, Southern District of Indiana, Indianapolis
Stacy M. Wissel
Chapter 7 Trustee, Decker
Advanced Individual Bankruptcy Chapters 7 & 13
6 CLE / 1 E - This program has concluded. Please join us next year.
ICLEF • Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum, Indianapolis, IN • Premier Indiana CLE