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ICLEF Vice President Magistrate Andrew Bloch Appointed Hamilton County Circuit Judge

ICLEF Vice President and Hamilton County Magistrate Andrew Bloch was appointed a Judge of the Hamilton County Circuit Court by Governor Eric Holcomb on Friday, January 12, 2024. He had served as a magistrate judge in the circuit and superior courts there since 2019.


Judge Bloch replaces Judge Paul Felix who was appointed to the Court of Appeals on June 29, 2023. He will be sworn in Wednesday, February 7, 2024 at a ceremony in the Historic Hamilton County Courthouse.

Prior to his work as a magistrate, Judge Bloch was an attorney at Cross Pennamped Woolsey & Glazier, where he practiced family law and appellate law. Prior to serving as ICLEF Vice President, he has also held the roles of Secretary and District Representative in the organization. He continues to be an active member of ICLEF CLE programming in the capacity of faculty and a program chair.

Judge Bloch received an undergraduate degree from Xavier University and a law degree from Indiana University McKinney School of Law. He resides in Westfield with his wife, Nicole, and their basset, Bernard.

ICLEF • Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum, Indianapolis, IN • Premier Indiana CLE


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