Longtime ICLEF faculty member and recently retired Indianapolis litigator and ethics attorney Kevin McGoff has not sat idle in his retirement, having spent the last three years penning a book and developing an accompanying workshop with ICLEF that offers advice, career plans, and techniques for learning how to build both a robust law career and an affirming life outside of it.

Brought to you by ABA Book Publishing and the Senior Lawyers Division of the American Bar Association, Finding Your Landing Zone – Life Beyond the Bar is now available in both paperback and E-Book* formats! The book builds on the workshop experience to take you further in the process of adding quality and quantity to your career and life outside the practice.
“(Kevin’s) book offers a wealth of practical advice and inspiring stories that will help you navigate this new phase of your life….I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to make the most of their post-legal career”, said nationally recognized CLE presenter and fellow lawyer Cynthia Sharp.
Retired Justice of the Indiana Supreme Court Steven David said after reading an advanced copy of the book, “Finally! A must-read book for every attorney over 50 AND every attorney who hopes to reach 50! (Kevin’s) book is honest, real, and informative and provides a clear path forward that all lawyers and judges should take to heart.”
Find Your Landing Zone is a combination of tools, advice, and inspiring stories that will spark the motivation you need to launch a new career, slow down a bit, or embark upon retirement. Kevin has led several workshops with ICLEF and the American Bar Association that were inspired by the book and he used much of the feedback from those workshops to hone the resources and introspective discussions found in the book.
To purchase or find out more about the book and Kevin, visit his website at My Book - Next Stop Sur la Route (surlaroutekm.com).
To purchase the book from the ABA (discounts available for ABA members and Senior Lawyer Division members, simply click here - Find Your Landing Zone: Life Beyond the Bar (americanbar.org
ICLEF • Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum • Premier Indiana CLE