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Trial Court Decision Upheld Denying Mother’s Request to Relocate Child
Mother and Father met in San Diego in 2016 while Father was stationed there with the Marine Corps. The parties married the following year...

PSA Awarding Husband Almost All Assets of the Parties Business Assets Includes Cryptocurrency
Husband and Wife married in 2007. During the marriage, they operated Echo Systems (“Echo”), a cryptocurrency mining and trading company.

COA: Trail Court Erred in Granting Father’s Motion to Transfer Adoption Proceedings
Mother and Stepfather filed a petition for Stepfather’s adoption of Child. The petition was filed in Marion County, where their attorney...

COA: Trial Court Properly Denied Summary Judgement that a Wife’s Interest in a Trust was Not Marital
Husband and Wife married in 1962. During the marriage, Wife’s mother created the Trust, which provided that Wife receive net income of the..

Father Not Entitled to Notice of a Petition for Temporary Custody of Child
While this appeal was dismissed for lack of appellate jurisdiction, the Indiana Supreme Court first noted that the Court of Appeals had...

COA Affirms Trial Court’s Determination that Father’s Consent to Adoption was Valid and Binding
Indiana statute generally requires that a consent to adoption, to be valid, must be executed in the presence of specific witnesses, such as

COA Reasons that Trial Court’s Specific Findings of Inability to Communicate & Cooperate
Trial court erred when it awarded the parties joint legal custody of Child after making specific findings that the parties have an inability

COA Reverses Trial Court’s Provisional Order that the Marital Residence be Sold
COA Reverses Trial Court’s Provisional Order that the Marital Residence be Sold

COA Affirmed Husband was Voluntarily Underemployed, but the Income Imputation was Remanded
Trial court acted within its discretion when it found Husband to be voluntarily underemployed for child support purposes, but the amount...

Trial Court Did Not Abuse Its Discretion When It Awarded Custody of Child to Stepfather
Trial court did not abuse its discretion when it awarded custody of Child to Stepfather, over the objection of Father.

COA Review of Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act Has Relevance to Divorce Property Settlement Issues
Pursuant to the parties’ 2018 Decree, Wife owed Husband a property settlement payment of $200,000. As the 90-day payment deadline approached

Trial Court Did Not Err When Awarding Custody of Child to Paternal Grandmother
The trial court did not err when it awarded custody of Child to a third party, Paternal Grandmother, instead of to Mother.

IN. Supreme Court -Trust Distribution Division Hinging on Beneficiary’s Marital Status was Not Unlawful Restraint
Rotert was one of two adult children of Marcille, who passed away in 2016. Prior to Marcille’s death, she executed a revocable trust.

Indiana Supreme Court Issues Order Amending Parenting Time Guidelines in 2022
On October 5, 2021, the Indiana Supreme Court issued an order amending the Indiana Parenting Time Guidelines...

Trial Court within Its Discretion to Modify Custody to Father After Mother’s Alcohol-Related Crimes
Mother and Father shared joint legal custody of their two children, ages 14 and 11, with Mother providing the primary residence for the...

Trial Court Did Not Err in Granting Custody to Mother Even Though Parties & Expert Recommended Joint Custody
Husband and Wife married in 2010, had Child together, and then, in 2018, Wife filed her petition for dissolution of marriage....

Trial Court Did Not Err Denying Parents’ Effort to Withdraw Previously Executed Adoption Consents
Trial court did not err when it denied parents’ effort to withdraw previously executed adoption consents. While the parents sought to withdr

COA Suggest Potential Error for Trial Courts Not to Consider Differences in Cost of Living in Child
It is potential error for a trial court calculating child support not to consider differences in the cost of living, where one parent...

Trial Court’s Grandparent Visitation Order Was Remanded to Develop Specific Findings as Required
Paternal Grandparents sought a visitation order with Grandchild after the death of their son, Grandchild’s father. Following a hearing, the

Trial Court Erred in Finding Mother’s Failure to Communicate with Her Children Was Justified
Mother and Father had two children out of wedlock. Mother had recurring drug problems that resulted in a CHINS investigation. Father...
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