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Advanced Civil Mediation 2023
Part of the Masters Series Summer Conference
• Beginning the mediation
• The most important things for a mediator to say to each of the parties
• Gathering the “good and bad facts” from each party to discuss later during the mediation.
• Dealing with / compensating for the trend away from doing an initial joint session
• Things mediators can do before mediations to help get cases settled
• Building rapport with the parties, lawyers and claims people – Establishing connection & trust
• How insurance companies and defense attorneys approach mediation
• Helping the parties speak the same language
• Working within the constraints of the insurance company’s model of the case
• Helping the plaintiff filter their responses in ways the insurance company can evaluate
• Why some mediations fail and how to prevent it
• Assisting the parties in identifying and evaluating the value drivers for the case
• Understanding how juries look at cases and evaluate a plaintiff’s damages
• Things a mediator can do to be more than just a “message carrier” – How to insert yourself
into the mediation process effectively
• Dealing with the inexperienced attorney
• Dealing with the attorney who is wrong about the law
• Dealing with lawyers who don’t want to let you talk to their clients / claim reps directly
• The use of technology in conducting mediations via Zoom
• Dealing with lawyers who want to make imprudent / counter-productive arguments
• Methods for dealing with and overcoming impasse
• What opinions can you express as a mediator and when and how do you do it?
• Indiana case law regarding the necessity of a written Settlement Agreement and the logistics
of getting the Settlement Agreement executed in remote mediations
• Follow-up after a failed mediation
• Cases involving a risk that the defendant will declare bankruptcy
• Dealing with the lawyer who doesn’t want to disclose information / evidence
• Multi-party mediation
Teresa L. Todd, Seminar Chair
Attorney at Law, Indianapolis
Kyle M. Baker
The Mediation Group LLC, Indianapolis
Michael P. Bishop
Bishop Mediation & Arbitration, LLC, Indianapolis
Joy L. Colwell
Purdue University Northwest, Munster
Robert J. Dignam
O'Neill McFadden & Willett LLP, Schererville
Mark A. Scott
Scott Law Office & Mediation Center, Kokomo
Jerome L. Withered
Withered Burns, LLP, Lafayette
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