Via IU Mauer School of Law website February 22,2022

Five alumni from the Indiana University Maurer School of Law will receive the highest honor the school can bestow when they are inducted into the school’s Academy of Law Alumni Fellows this April. The ALAF comprises the Law School’s most distinguished alumni, recognizing those who have distinguished themselves in their careers through personal achievements and dedication to the highest standards of the legal profession.
Included among the five inductees is ICLEF Family Law Institute Chair Andy Mallor, partner of the Bloomington law firm Mallor Grodner. Mallor will lead the institute for his 20th year on November 3 & 4, 2022 at the ICLEF Conference Facility in Indianapolis
The remaining inductees include Harry Gonso (JD ’73), Judith Waltz (JD ’81), Charlotte Westerhaus-Renfrow (’92), and the late Judge Rodolfo (Rudy) Lozano (’66).
“These five individuals have led remarkable careers in a number of different fields, from private practice and the federal judiciary to public service and academia,” said Law School Dean Austen Parrish. “We couldn’t be more proud to honor Harry, Andy, Judy, and Charlotte later this spring, and to posthumously induct Judge Lozano.”
The school will induct the five honorees at a banquet to be held on Friday, April 8, at the Tudor Room in the Indiana Memorial Union.
Mallor leads his firm’s private client division, handling all legal needs of the firm’s private clients, from matrimonial to wealth management and family wealth planning, and has been a leading family lawyer in Indiana for more than 40 years. He is board certified in family law and is an acclaimed trial lawyer. Mallor was an early advocate of the use of collaborative law techniques to resolve family law disputes in the most amicable and cost-effective way possible, and he has significant expertise in collaborative law. A skilled and gifted teacher, Mallor is the chair of the annual Family Law Institute for the Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF) and led the institute all its 19 years.
He is the author of more than 100 articles on family law and tax planning. Mallor is the only person from Indiana ever selected by his peers to be a member of the American College of Family Trial Lawyers, a peer-reviewed organization of the top 100 family trial lawyers in the United States. He was one of only two Indiana attorneys named to the 2020 Lawdragon 500 Leading Family Lawyers list of the nation’s best attorneys for divorce. He is a long-time “Super Lawyer,” member of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, and in 2015 received the ICLEF Excellence in Continuing Legal Education Award.
For more information on ICLEF’s 20th Annual Family Law Institute, click here.
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