Lawyers who attend this powerful training develop trial skills by practicing, under the guidance of some of Indiana`s most experienced lawyers and judges, in a simulated, friendly courtroom environment. This program is designed to develop the basic trial advocacy skills for lawyers with limited litigation experience while providing experienced trial lawyers an opportunity to sharpen their skills. The teaching method also uses faculty demonstrations and video critique of each participant`s performance. Participants will spend time reviewing the fact pattern, working the case information and prepare each day as they would for a real trial.
While much work is required, the atmosphere is very enjoyable and provides the perfect setting for learning trial skills. Proper courtroom dress is recommended. Certificates of completion will be awarded to participants who attend all portions of the program.
The program features a mix of hands-on, learn-by-doing exercises and lectures designed to improve trial advocacy in the areas of:
- case analysis and communication skills
- jury selection
- opening statements
- introducing evidence
- direct and cross-examination
- examining expert witnesses
- exhibits and demonstrative evidence
- impeachment
- closing arguments
- professional responsibility (ethics)
Seminar materials will be shipped to you approximately 2-weeks before the seminar
& you should review the materials before the first day!
Proper courtroom dress is recommended. Certificates of completion willbe awarded
to participants who attend all portions of the program.
"This was by far the best seminar I have ever attended! The entire program was excellent. Everything was effective."
"Thanks for changing my life."
"The video reviews and instant feedback were amazing."
“So many things to love about TASC. I LOVE the “CAMP” feel of the program. The leaders & teachers made me very excited to be here each day…”
"I am by far a much better attorney today than I was 3.5 days ago."
“This is an amazingly beneficial course. I have confidence and a fundamental understanding of trial work.”
"Course was excellent and the standards are high! Most HIGHLY recommend this course!”
"I don't know that it could have gotten any better. PRICELESS EXPERIENCE!"
“Having actual Experts available for question was GREAT.”
"Faculty review - priceless."
"Wow. Thank you to ALL the Faculty!!"
“This program changed my confidence level in areas far outside the court room. FANTASTIC!”"I was glad to have the interaction with so many good lawyers and judges. It will make it easier whenever I encounter them in my practice."
We are pleased to announce that a limited number of partial scholarships are available for attorneys with a financial hardship. Financial support is provided through the generosity of the ICLEF Scholarship Fund, the American Board of Trial Advocates and Ms. Jessie A. Cook.
Scholarships are awarded based on financial need, and some preference is given to lawyers with zero to five years of experience. To request an application for scholarship assistance, please send an email to Kelly Linhart at kelly@iclef.org. Or, you may call her at (317) 637-9102, ext. 227. Completed applications for scholarship assistance must be received by the close of business on February 08, 2024. Applicants will be notified within two weeks following this deadline.
ICLEF • Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum, Indianapolis, IN • Indiana's Premier CLE Provider