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Social Security Disability Law 2024 - 6 CLE / 1 E

Social Security Disability Law

6 CLE / 1 E - On Demand Seminar

Social Security Disability Law offers an exploration of topics crucial for practitioners in this field. We will delve into the Security Administration's Step Five Burden of Proof and the significance of Vocational Expert Testimony. Additionally, the seminar provides insights into leveraging technology effectively and ethically to manage Social Security Disability practices, recognizing the importance of staying abreast of technological advancements. Our seminar also features a segment on Best Practice Tips, offering practical guidance and strategies derived from our experienced faculty.



National & Local Workload Update / Best Practice Tips

– Hon. Timothy L. Turner & Kelsee Anderson

Transitional Age Cases-SSI, Adult Child Status, and the Connections to State Benefit Programs

– Annette Rutkowski

Significant Cases from the 7th Circuit, 2020 to 2023

– Adriana de la Torre

Getting Ready – From Intake to Hearing

– Thomas J. Scully, III

Through the Looking-Glass: SSA’s Step Five Burden of Proof & Vocational Expert Testimony

– Ann Trzynka

How to Use the Best Technology to Manage Your Social Security Disability Practice Effectively & Ethically

– Nick Lavella



Theodore F. Smith Jr., Chair

Attorney at Law, Anderson

Hon. Timothy L. Turner

ALJ, Indianapolis

Kelsee Anderson

Hearing Office Director, Indianapolis

Adriana de la Torre

Tower Law Group, Orlando, FL

Nick Lavella

Keller & Keller, Indianapolis

Annette Rutkowski

KBAR Legal Services, Carmel

Thomas J. Scully, III

Scully Disability, Munster

Ann Trzynka

Law Office of Ann Trzynka, New Haven


Social Security Disability Law

6 CLE / 1 E - On Demand Seminar

ICLEF • Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum, Indianapolis, IN • Premier Indiana CLE

ICLEF  •  Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum

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