CME Update for Civil Mediators: Advancing Your Civil Mediation Practice
6 CME / 6 CLE / 1 E - This program has concluded. Please join us next time.
Welcome & Introduction
– Michael P. Bishop, Program Chair
Follow the Science: Proven Strategies for Reducing Unconscious Bias in Conflict Resolution
– David A. Hoffman
Meditating with Highly Competitive People
– Nina Meierding
Attorney Professionalism: Bias & Ethics
– Cari L. Sheehan
Michael P. Bishop, Chair
Bishop Mediation & Arbitration, LLC, Indianapolis, IN
David A. Hoffman
Boston Law Collaborative, LLC, Boston, MA
Nina Meierding MS, JD
Negotiation & Mediation Training Services, Bainbridge Island, WA
Cari Sheehan
Robert H. McKinney School of Law, Indianapolis, IN
CME Update for Civil Mediators: Advancing Your Civil Mediation PracticeÂ
6 CME / 6 CLE / 1 E - This program has concluded. Please join us next time.
ICLEF • Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum, Indianapolis, IN • Premier Indiana CLE